The sole purpose of this class is to give the prospecting fan an opportunity to come down off the stands and into the action. We will strive to promote a family friendly environment for everyone who joins these classes. We will be offering both a Junior Division and Senior Division to our racing class roster. We will not tolerate any fighting or physical violence of any kind, there will be absolutely no abusive language exchanged between any racer or crew member towards and member of our Mini Cup Technical Team. If at ANY point at any time someone is in direct violation of the above statement YOU WILL BE REMOVED and your ATTENDANCE HENCE FORTH WILL BE REVOKED.
Safety Inspection: AT EACH EVENT prior to any on track action Practice, Qualifying and Feature Races your Car MUST GO THROUGH AND PASS A SAFETY INSPECTION. If at any point in time your car does not meet the safety standards of this class, you will be given the opportunity to fix “Said Safety Issues” before you may enter the racing surface for any on track activities. Our main focus is to keep everyone educated and safe to prevent a serious injury from occurring due to the lack of inspection of the racecraft.
Inspections will be done at the discretion of and handled by the SPEEDWAY officials. Any car is subject to inspection at any time during race day. This includes but not limited to internal engine components, chassis, fuel and safety inspection.
After every race the top 3 cars and 1 car from 4th on down will be spot checked. Spot check will be 1 item on the car and 1 item on the motor.
Any car found illegal will receive no money and no points.
Any item found to be illegal will be confiscated by SPEEDWAY officials.
Any car that refuses to be inspected will be automatically DQ’d.
Once the item in question leaves the inspection area it cannot re-enter and be submitted for appeal. The items in question must be left with the head tech official at the speedway before any involved parties leave the speedway grounds. No equipment will be considered as having been approved by reason of having passed through inspection unobserved.
No class jumping. If you enter the race as a Jr. Mini Cup, you cannot run as a Sr. Mini Cup, or vice-versa. Any driver who enters a Sr. Mini Cup race at any point during the season will not be permitted to drop back down to Jr. Mini Cup.
No one age 16 or over is permitted to run in Jr. Mini Cup. Additionally, any driver who has won a regional, national, international or track championship in Jr. Mini Cup must run a Sr. Mini Cup.
We hold the right to impound the Cars after qualifying. Adjustment for air pressure permitted. No other adjustments allowed. No additional fuel can be added. If you make any adjustment other than Tire Pressure “When Allowed” you will forfeit your qualifying position and start at the rear of the field.
All participating cars must cross the scales and have their weights checked after qualifying. If a car by passes the scales, they automatically forfeit their starting position and must start at the rear of the field.
A minimum speed will be in effect for 2023. If, after practice, cars do not meet minimum speed requirements, they should be directed to participate in open practice sessions until they can.
Any driver or car that wins two races in a row must start in rear at next race.
If you win 3 races in a row 25lbs will be added to car. SPEEDWAY official will put weight were he wants it. (If 25lbs is added to car you will need to change weight decal on hood to show the weight added. Example: 600 change to 625 or 650 change to 675)
If, in the event Mini Cups do not qualify, final practice will count as qualifying.
All transponders must be located between the firewall and the rear bumper facing down towards the racing surface.
All bodies must be mounted level and attached to the chassis by a total of 8 Fasteners.
All cars, body and frame, must be a likeness of a NASCAR Cup Series car and be in good condition and appearance. Truck bodies allowed. All bodies must be considered safe for racing by Tech Inspector. Excessive duct tape is NOT effective body repair. Any body damaged must be repaired in a safe, legal and presentable manner by the next scheduled race attended.
Bodies must be in the same configuration as molded from the manufacturer. If any repairs were made to the body, they must be performed in a manner that replicates the OEM standards. Altering the body in any way is prohibited.
Cars must have safe and suitable front and rear bumpers. Rear Bumper must include a lower safety hoop installed; this will ensure that the nose of one car cannot lift up the rear end of another. Lower Safety hoop cannot extend out past the body by more than 1 inch.
Cars must have front and rear windshields and side windows made from clear Lexan, not Plexiglas. Complete tinting or painting of windows is not allowed. The painting of a 1” – 1.5” border around windshield, side and rear window is permitted. The painting of a 3”-4” sun shield strip at top of windshield is allowed. Juniors will be required to run a JR Decal on top left side of front windshield. Seniors will be required to run a SR Decal on Top left side of the front windshield.
Compartment cover must be tight against body – no gap between cover and rear window –this is priority for drivers safety.
Front and back windshields must be fastened to prevent windshields from being blown loose during race. Window brackets are permitted. No holes will be permitted in front and rear windows.
No right or left side door windows allowed. Quarter windows permitted.
Cars must have an easy access hatch made on top of car. Hatches must be hinged. (opening from back to front). Hatches must be made of fiberglass or plastic. Hatch must be fastened with rubber locking strap, pins, or Velcro; as long as the hatch does not blow open while on the track.
Cars must have numbers on both sides and on top of car, 12″ minimum on doors and 16″ minimum on roof. If car is numbered on windshield, right front bumper or right rear bumper numbers must be a minimum of 3″.
Lid Rear Spoiler Specs: Height- Minimum 2 ½ ” – Max 4.0, Minimum thickness .0625 (1/16) aluminum or Plexiglas. Corners of spoiler must be rounded. Spoiler must be centered on car. No split spoilers. Spoiler degree angle 40 – 75 degrees up.
Concerning Drag Angle – Roof Rail, Rear Window Fin & Deck Lid Fin Specs: If utilized, they MUST comply with the following specifications. Material: Aluminum .0625 (1/16″) thick or a combination of aluminum and Plexiglas. Vertical corners of roof rails, window and deck fins must be rounded. Roof rails no taller than ¾ inches running the length of the roof. Deck Lid Fins will be allowed as long as they comply with the intent of this paragraph and Figure 1A. (Please see Figure 1A on page 6. Side view – please follow the design.)

Driver Safety & Containment: Seats must be connected to the FRAME in an approved manner, must use grade eight hardware/fasteners – 3/8 diameter bolts minimum.
All cars to be equipped with a speedway approved roll cage. All cars must be inspected and approved by SPEEDWAY safety officials.
Driver Positioning Mandate: Driver in racing position with belts tight and firmly secure in seat.. The Drivers Helmet must be below the main frame “Halo Bar & Rear Hoop”. The way we will check this is removing Minicup Car Body and removing all Rollbar padding in this area. We will then take a straight and go across the top of the roll cage. The bottom of this straight edge must not come in contact with the Drivers helmet in anyway. If it does you will be instructed to remount the seating system to ensure the driver is position in the car in a safe manner. Also at this time we will be checking to see if the driver comes in contact with the bottom portion of the steering wheel. If contact is there you will be instructed to reposition the steering wheel column in a safe and secure manner. These checks will be done before the first practice. If these mandated updates are not fixed prior to your Raceway arrival you will not practice, Qualify or Race. Drivers Safey is our #1 Goal.
All Safety Equipment must be worn during Practice, Qualifying and Race.
An approved Racing Helmet is required, SNELL 2005+ (Full Face Recommended). Protective eye wear is REQUIRED if an Open Face Helmet is used. Head and Neck Protection: Neck Support Collar is recommended.
A Flame Retardant Fire Suit (1 Layer Minimum) is recommended. The suit must be in good condition without rips, tears, etc. If a racing suit is not utilized, a long sleeve racing jacket is required. Racing Gloves and Shoes in good condition are required. Racing pants only, NO JEANS.
Drivers head with helmet on must be below the top bar of the roll cage. This is to prevent head injury in the case of a rollover.
Fire extinguisher mandatory, mounted in a safe manner to the frame. Fire extinguisher is the left side of the green house under the window opening.
Belts must be Competition SFI Five Point Safety Harnesses. Harnesses must be SECURELY FASTENED TO FRAME OR OTHER PRIMARY ROLL CAGE MEMBER. Belts must be no older than five years (based on date on belts, not date they were installed in the car). Regardless of age, belts must be free of any defects or damage and are subject to inspection and approval of SPEEDWAY safety officials.
All cars must be fitted with an SFI approved aluminum Mini Cup type racing seat mounted securely to the chassis. Fiberglass or plastic seats are not allowed. Right side seat head rest are required. Left side head rests are required for juniors.
If running a non-SFI approved racing seat, it must go through an inspection process.
Window Nets: Car must have safety nets on both side window openings of the car. Left side window net should have a quick release so the official can have access to fire extinguisher in an emergency situation.
Mirrors: Cars are required to have a left side mirror, mounted inside on the chassis. Right side mirror is optional.
Battery and Fuel Cell must be firmly secured outside the drivers compartment. Battery must be firmly secured by a metal strap across the top of the battery and attached to the chassis. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Offset chassis allowed. They must still meet the 55% left side rule.
A solid firewall and floor pan is required to separate the driver from the engine compartment and driver from racing surface. Metal panel that the back of the seat is mounted to must be steel at minimum 18 GA Steel. Panels above the engine may be aluminum and must be installed in a safe manner. Firewall MUST PASS A MAGNET TEST from both sides “Drivers Compartment Side. Engine Compartment Side” NO EXCEPTIONS!
Front side panel can be plastic or aluminum only.
Fuel Cells to be foam filled and with fittings to prevent spillage during a roll-over.
All steering, brake (including pedal assembly) and hub components must be secured by cotter pinned, double nut or lock nut.
Side crush or dirt panels in the leg and foot compartment are also required. Plastic and aluminum only.
Radios are allowed and recommended.
Chassis: Full perimeter type frame and four-point roll cage is required. Grandfathered “straight-rail” type chassis are allowed (see left side weight restrictions). Primary frames must be minimum 1″ round or square mild steel tubing, minimum .065 wall thickness. All welds must be sound.
Minimum riding height is 1″ including all sides of car-front, rear, left side, and right side with driver in car. From ground to highest point on roof of car: 28” Minimum.
Suspension Rule For Rigid Chassis: Adjustable wedge style rigid chassis’ are allowed or Solid no adjustment rigid style I.E “MMI or BUCKSHOT”. No type of chassis adjustment can be made by the driver while the vehicle is in motion. A rigid chassis car’s chassis and tire movement must be identical when the car is jacked up. When down force is applied to the car, that force must be absorbed by the tire and not any suspension component or material such as a piece of rubber. Adjustable struts allowed only for the purpose of converting a suspended chassis into a rigid chassis. Strut rods will be subject to mandatory inspection.
Suspension Rule For Suspended Chassis: Any Make Model Shock Allowed, Any 8 inch or 10 inch Coil Over spring allowed. Claimer Rule on Shocks is $300.00 Per Shock. Claimer Rule does not include the Coil Over Hardware or Coil Over Spring. Just the Shock Absorber itself. Any Claim of the Shock must be filled with the Minicup Technical Director no later than 10 minutes after the Checkered Flag had dropped.
Axle: Minimum OD is 1 1/4″. No aluminum, carbon fiber or titanium axles allowed. Hollow or solid axles are allowed. Axle must be rigid with no rubber. Live axle only. Both rear hubs must be locked, rotate at the same speed, no independent movement of the rear hubs whatsoever. No axle clutches, slip hubs, ratchet hubs or free spinning hubs. Rear Axle must have snap rings in place, both ends.
Wheelbase: Minimum wheel base of 58″, maximum wheel base of 61″ measured between centers of a rear axle to center of front spindle when front wheel is straight.
Width and length: Minimum of 44″, maximum of 50″ measured from outside to outside of both rear and front tires. Overall length minimum of 96″, maximum of 120″ measured at longest possible dimension.
Steering: All steering and suspension parts shall be secured by cotter pin, double nut, lock nut or snap ring. Steering wheel must be quick release type and must lock into place when attached. Kart type or rack & pinion allowed. Steering column padding is required.
Rear hydraulic brakes are required. Must be caliper/rotor type, not strap type brakes. Only ONE single brake rotor/caliper is allowed 10” diameter brake disc are highly recommended.
Front brakes are optional with 10” brake disc on rear. Front brakes are required if using 7” brake disc on rear.
Hydraulic brake connections must be tight and free of visible leaks. Brake lines should be safely routed to prevent possibly of being worn through or pulled loose.
All electrical switches must be located on the left side of the dash panel and must be labeled showing the on/off positions.
A switch must be wired so as to ground the ignition.
The Official Tire of the SPEEDWAY shall be the Hoosier MC780 Mini Cup Tire. American Racer tires also allowed. No mismatched tires.
Tires are subject to inspection at any time. If inspection is denied, driver and team will be disqualified for the weekend.
All qualifying and race tires shall be in good condition with visible flaws.
Tires may not protrude outside the body past 1 inch. You must race on the tires you qualified on. Cars subject to impound.
The application of ANY tire treatment is prohibited. Sniffer and durometer will be used to ensure that no tire treatments have been used. The use of any tire treatment will result in disqualification. The decision by the SPEEDWAY Technical Direction in this regard will be final.
Aluminum or steel rims allowed. Maximum wheel width of 8″ on all 4. All 4 must be 8 inches or 6 inches. No Mix Matching of wheel widths.
Jr Minimum Weight for Rigid Car 600 Lbs
Jr Minimum Weight for Suspended Car 650 Lbs
Sr Minimum Weight for Rigid Car 650 Lbs
Sr Minimum Weight for Suspended Car 700 Lbs
All cars must have their appropriate class and weight displayed on the left side of the hood and the class “ JR or SR” To be Top left side of the windshield.
The maximum left side weight shall not exceed 55% of the total weight of the car and driver.
All cars will be weighed as raced with driver in driving position with helmet and equipment installed as raced.
All lead weight must be added to chassis securely and painted white with car number indicated. (Example: MC + car #).
All lead must be mounted to frame, cannot be mounted to any sheet metal.
All weight must be bolted with minimum of grade 5 bolt (5/16+) to steel frame with double nut. (NOT ALUMINUM).
Only driver and 1 crew member allowed in the scale area after the race. ABSOLUTELY no other driver or crew member can be at the scale display during the time another competitors car is being weighed. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Only Honda GX390 13 HP engines will be used in competition. NO CLONES!
Engines cannot be altered from stock Honda specifications unless otherwise noted in this rulebook. No light weight parts unless otherwise specified. No polishing of any kind on any parts.
All parts must be Honda GX390 and will be checked against Honda parts unless otherwise noted in this rulebook. All decisions by Technical Director are final.
Internal and external governor system may be removed. Hole must be resealed.
Exceptions for parts being clone parts: 9 HP clone carburetor or 13 HP camshaft core.
Minimum bore size is 3.465, maximum bore size is 3.500.
Absolutely no welding or modifying of engine block allowed in any way in order to provide a functional advantage.
No internal engine block coatings.
All engines are required to have an air filter and air filter adapter. No forced air or cold air devices allowed.
Carburetor and Spacer
13 horsepower Honda carburetor only, no clone, for Sr. Mini Cup. Size .883.
Jr. Honda or 9 horsepower clone carburetor, maximum size is .672 must pass No-Go Plug. Any other modifications are not permitted. Any attempt to pull outside air other than through the venture is not permitted.
Stock unaltered insulators blocks must be run with stock gaskets (one per side, unaltered intact). ¼ inch tubing can be added for vacuum access. Sr uses Z5T insulator block. Jr uses GX340 insulator block.
Restrictor plate is required for juniors only and must be attained from The NEW RIVER ALL-AMERICAN SPEEDWAY. (If restrictor plate has been tampered with in any way, you will be disqualified from the race and suspended for the next race.) Junior Maximum hole is .575.
One gasket per side. Four gaskets total required.
Restrictor plate location is between cylinder head and insulator block. Insulator block tip on the back side can be ground off.
Spark plug tip on top of insulator block can be cut off for room for vacuum pump tube.
Remote carburetor adjuster allowed for Sr class only.
Fuel Filters: Inline fuel filters are allowed.
Fuel Pump: Only vacuum type fuel pumps are allowed. Cars to be equipped with only one (1) fuel pump. Electric fuel pumps are not allowed.
Choke can be removed, hole must be plugged.
Valve Cover
Factory breathing hole only. No other modifications allowed.
Blower Housing Shroud
Can remove pull start and replace with ¼” aluminum perforated screen. No other modification allowed.
Valve Lift
Intake maximum lift of .322 at valve with valve lash as ran in race. Lift will be measured at the retainer. This number is figured with rocker arms included.
Exhaust maximum lift of .292 at valve with valve lash as ran in race. Lift will be measured at the retainer. This number is figured with rocker arms included.
Valve Train
Only OEM Honda valve train as supplied from factory allowed.
One stock Honda GX390 k1shim allowed under both intake and exhaust springs. (thickness .023 +/- .003)
Safety “O” ring may be installed and 1 keeper per valve to prevent valve failure.
Valve cover bolt may be replaced with a stud.
Stock replacement valve guide cast iron only are allowed in stock location.
Valve springs must meet these specifications: Valve springs stock measurements must be used as follows: spring wire diameter – .110-.118, spring free length – 1.520 max, outside spring diameter – 1.020 /-.010 maximum, inside spring diameter – .785 minimum.
Push rod length 6.520- 6.550
Honda stock retainers only.
Cylinder and Heads
Z5T small port head only. No material to be added in port or taken out.
Cylinder head may be resurfaced to a minimum thickness of 3.730 inches.
The Porting, polishing, sand, bead blasting, or sizing of any part of the cylinder head is NOT allowed. No acid baths allowed. Three Angle valve seats are allowed on new heads as per manufactured. 30 degree top for the angles, 45 degree seat angle and 60 degree bottom. CC’s on head will be checked.
No multi angle on valves allowed (45 degree only). Multi angle valves are not allowed.
All cylinder head dimensions will be taken from stock Honda parts or Honda manual.
5TI/TI valve and 5TE/TE exhaust valve only.
5TI/TI Valve 1.296 +/- .005
5TE/TE Valve 1.218 +/- .005
Head gasket must be OEM Honda (Fiber) .043 minimum. No other head gaskets permitted.
Head cover shroud may be removed and replaced with homemade version.
Stock timing check 25 degrees only +- 2degrees. No modifications allowed.
Altering the ignition timing from stock Honda GX390K1 specifications is not allowed.
No alterations to the ignition coil, mounting bolts and mounting bolt holes or other electrical parts are allowed.
Must use a stock GX390 electrical coil. Must use stock 390 boot with restrictor in place.
May use clone cam shaft core that meets the following profile:
Camshaft timing must be in place with notches in line. No advancing or retarding of cams.
CamShaft Spec Profile
+/- 3°
Intake – Pink | Exhaust – White |
.050 – 0 TDC | .050 – 35 / 155 BBDC |
.100 – 18 ATDC | .100 – 17 / 163 BBDC |
.150 – 35 ATDC | .150 – 1 / 179 ABDC |
.200 – 54 ATDC | .200 – 23 / 157 ABDC |
.250 – 86 ATDC | .245 max – 110/70 ABDC |
.262 max – 112/68 BBDC | .200 – 62 BTDC |
.250 – 46 / 134 BBDC | .150 – 40 BTDC |
.200 – 13 / 167 BBDC | .100 – 22 BTDC |
.150 – 6 / 174 ABDC | .050 – 4 BTDC |
.100 – 23/157 ABDC | |
.050 – 41 / 139 ABDC |
Lobe width: N/A
Intake Lobe Length: N/A
Exhaust Lobe Length: N/A
Flywheel may be balanced. Minimum flywheel weight must be 11 lbs. 10 oz. Any flywheel that shows signs of machining will be deemed illegal. Charging magnets on the inside may be removed. The SPEEDWAY Technical Director will have sole authority on this matter. No paint on flywheel period.
Must have OEM flywheel key in place. No offset keys. No broken keys. No alteration to keys or key guides on the crankshaft or flywheel. Ignition magnet must remain stock and in stock location, Honda GX390 flywheel with red magnet only.
External pull crank must be removed. Fan behind pull crank must remain stock. Manual hand rope pull may be removed. If removed the hole must be covered with acceptable screen (no solid plates). Duct taping on flywheel screen permitted.
Steel cooling fan retaining cup can be cut down to eliminate the recoil section of the cup, but must retain the OEM function of the plastic fan to the flywheel. Recoil Start Assy must be removed.
No cutting or modification of any kind to the plastic cooling fan.
Side cover locating pins may be solid dowels and cover bolts can be replaced with studs. Wire bolts permitted to keep from coming loose. Blue Lock Tite Permitted and recommended on all side cover bolts not using safety wire.
Only one OEM side cover gasket allowed. Silicone sealer can be used to ensure no side cover oil leaks.
Crankshaft Counter Balancer is required. No modification of any kind to balancer, except rod bolt clearancing. No Excessive material to be removed.
Connecting rod must remain standard stock size with no grinding or sizing modifications. Stock OEM connecting rod allowed. Modification of oil lubrication hole allowed. Rod inserts allowed. Stock connecting rods journal can be altered for proper oil clearance.
OEM ARC connecting rod allowed, part # ARC-6272. OEM length allowed, 4.410
Any replacement rod bolt is allowed. Rod Bolt Clearancing permitted, No excessive material can be removed.
Lip on block can be modified for connecting rod bolt clearancing only.
Crankshaft must have stock stroke. Crankshaft may be turned or shortened to accommodate various clutches. No lightening, polishing, or balancing of the crankshaft is allowed.
Stroke must not be altered (2.530) +/- .005
Zero piston pop-up is allowed. Bore may be clearanced. Bore may be oversized by 10 thousandths (.010), 20 thousandths (.020), or 30 thousandths (.030) with Honda replacement 3 ring pistons only. Z5T-800 or Z5T-90 Honda piston only. No clone pistons allowed.
Piston size is minimum 88mm=3.462 (.010 is 3.472) (.020 is 3.482) (.030 is 3.492); maximum bore size is 3.500
Piston Rings may be oversized, Stock or aftermarket rings permitted. No gapless rings.
Piston must not extend above top of block. Top outer perimeter of the piston may be sanded or machined to ensure “0” piston pop out. Dish in top of piston must remain a minimum of .065 measured in the dish measured across the wrist pin. Top of piston may be machined to meet the minimum dish.
Blocks may be decked to achieve “0” deck. For Zero Piston Pop Out.
Rotating the piston or rod is expressly forbidden! The Indicator in the piston dish must face downward towards the lifter valley “6 O’Clock Position”. Piston Pin must be in stock location and stock length. Wrist pin OEM inside hole diameter is minimum of .515 maximum of .600. Wrist pin length 2.438 +/- .05
Exhaust pipe must be solid, may be stepped, and must exit behind rear tire, minimum of 28 inches for all cars. Measurements will be taken from the flange to the end of the pipe or muffler.
Exhaust pipe wrap only is legal. Painting is permitted. Ceramic coating not allowed. Muffler optional. Additional bracing and brackets to reinforce and support pipe are legal.
Only a dry centrifugal clutch is allowed. No transmissions, belt driven torque converters, torque converters, oil bath clutches or axle clutches. Only # 35 chain allowed. Live axle only.
No auto or manual chain oiling systems.
Oil alert system may be removed and hole resealed.
12v Charging magneto may be removed.
Any make or brand of spark plug may be used. Must be Compatible.
The electric self-starter must be in working order. All cars must be capable of starting under their own power.
Oil brands are optional. No flammables or explosives. No additive is allowed and random oil checks will be administered. Oil catch cans required on all cars and must be in working order.
Stock fuel tank must be removed and mounting tabs may be removed.
Octane 110 race fuel (OR) Octane 93. No methanol, nitro or any other additives allowed.
No additives, admixtures or mixing of fuel allowed. Fuel will be random tested by the SPEEDWAY Technical Director in 2020 to ensure that fuel rules are adhered to. Any fuel sampled and found to contain any type of alcohol, ethanol or admixture will result in disqualification.
Fuel containers must be metal or plastic. Fuel line must have a in line quick shutoff valve properly installed between the fuel cell and fuel pump.
Sr. Carburetor Specs
Jet size is open
No modification of shaft or butterfly allowed. Must be a stock shaft UNALTERED.
Choke can be removed, hole must be plugged.
No grinding or polishing.
May remove tab on Air Fuel Adjustment Screw.
Shaft size minimum .268
Shaft size between screws minimum of .145
Butterfly minimum .036
No-go bore gauge –.883
Gasket must remain stock Honda GX390 Z5T
Z5T Insulator Blocks Only
Carburetor insulator for Honda carburetor must be drilled for pulse pump. Fuel pump must be pulsed from insulator only. Only one hole is allowed. No air leaks
Emulsion Tube must remain stock unaltered length of 1.185; +/- .010
Emulsion Tube inner diameter of .100 and outer diameter of .156 must remain stock unaltered.
Emulsion Tube pickup holes may be altered-no tech on number or diameter of holes.
Pilot Jet Holes-must have stock 4 holes only, but no tech on diameter of holes.
Butterfly screw length .250 minimum-.300 maximum
CARB ADJUSTERS ALLOWED AND CAN BE ADJUSTED IN REAL TIME BY THE DRIVER VIA COCKPIT ADJUSTER CABLE. All Carb adjusters used in competition MUST pass a visual Leak Check. If your adjuster is found to be leaking you will be asked to remove it for the night and run a Fixed Jet for that night.
JR Carburetor Specs:
Jet size is open
No modification of shaft or butterfly allowed. Must be a stock shaft UNALTERED. The only Alteration allowed to shaft is to install a Throttle return spring.
Choke can be removed, hole must be plugged.
No grinding or polishing.
May remove tab on Air Fuel Adjustment Screw.
Shaft size .230 + or – .003
Shaft size between screws minimum of .115 + or – .003
Butterfly minimum .036
No-go bore gauge –.675
Throttle Bore Size .830 Maximum
Gasket must remain stock Honda GX340K1.
Insulator Block must be Honda GX340 Only.
Carburetor insulator for Honda carburetor must be drilled for pulse pump. Fuel pump must be pulsed from insulator only. Only one hole is allowed. No air leaks
Emulsion Tube must remain stock unaltered length of 1.140 + or – .010
Emulsion Tube inner diameter of .097 + or – .005
Outer diameter of .150 + or – .003 must remain stock unaltered.
Emulsion Tube pickup holes may be altered-no tech on number or diameter of holes.
Pilot Jet Holes-must have stock 4 holes only, but no tech on diameter of holes.
Butterfly screw length .250 minimum-.300 maximum
All protest will be done at the discretion of and handled by the SPEEDWAY head tech official. This protest procedure is not limited to internal engine components as well as chassis, fuel and safety inspections. Once the protest fee is handed to the Minicup Technical Director, the protest procedure is binding and cannot be reversed regardless of the reasons whatso ever.
Protest shall be made to the Minicup Technical Director. All parties involved will be notified after the completion of the race if a protest has been filed. Protest will be limited to only lead lap finishers. A car can be protested that finished in a position in front of you. There may be multiple protests in one race. A car must finish the race on the lead lap in order to file protest. Only the car owner or driver of the race car in the division in which they participate may file a protest. Protester will have his car/motor inspected also. A driver can only protest a car that finishes one position ahead of them.
Any protest must be filed within 10 minutes from the completion of a race by the driver or car owner. After the 10 minutes from the dropping of the checkered flag all requests will be denied. SPEEDWAY reserves the right and will inspect the car filing protest for the same infractions. For example, if you protest someone on a engine infraction your engine will be inspected and your engine will be inspected FIRST. If at that time your engine is found Illegal you will loose all monies and points for that event and your protest filled towards your competitor will be voided. If your Engine is found Legal than your original protest contract is still binding and your competitors engine will be inspected.
Only 1 crew member of the car protested and 1 person from the protester will be allowed in the protest area. The protester can only observe but cannot touch or measure any parts of the car protested actions. There will be no spectating during a protest. Any access bodies in the tech area at the time of protest will be asked to leave 1 time. If you are asked MORE THAN ONCE to exit the protest area you will be escorted by NEW RIVER ALL-AMERICAN SPEEDWAY Security.
No protest acceptance fee will be required for driver being protested.
Protest fee: $250 for motor and chassis. 20% of the protest money will be used to pay the tech personnel. If car is found legal protester will loose protest fee. If car is found illegal they will get back 80% of protest fee.
If protested car is found illegal they will lose race position and race money. If car is found legal they will keep race position and money as well as receive 80% of protest fee.
During the protest procedure the Minicup Technical Director has the right to confiscate any illegal part found. Any Illegal Part found will have a 48hr “Appeal Window” after that time if the appeal has been denied. That Illegal part in question will be destroyed to avoid mainstream circulation.
Any car that does not meet the minimum or maximum speedway rules or specifications may be allowed to participate with a weight penalty. The amount of additional weight will be determined by the Minicup Technical Director before the vehicle enters the event. The vehicle cannot be protested for any item that weight was added for the rules infraction.
OFFICIALS DECISIONS ARE FINAL (The car will be DISQUALIFIED if any owner, driver and/or crew member argues, raises voice or curses at the official). NO EXCEPTIONS!!!