RULE BOOK DISCLAIMER: The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. It is at the track’s discretion to partially inspect or perform a total inspection of the motor and/or chassis components after consecutive wins. The race director shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his/her opinion does not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials, their decision is final.
New River All American Speedway will pay via Direct Deposit in 2025. When a competitor registers to compete for the first race, they will need to fill out a Direct Deposit Authorization Form as well as a Form W-9 and hand them to the front office. Competitors who do not fill out the required paperwork will not be paid.
DOWNLOADS: Direct Deposit Form | Form W-9
General Safety Procedures
Lightning and severe weather policy
When thunder is heard, a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, or the track receives an alert of lightning within seven (7) miles of the premises, competition will be suspended for no less than 30 minutes, at which point competitors and spectators should seek shelter immediately.
Once competition is suspended, the track will wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard, flash of lightning is seen and no further alerts are received until resuming competition.
Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30 minute count will reset the lightning clock and another 30 minute count will begin.
If a TORNADO WARNING is issued, competition will be suspended immediately and will not be allowed to resume until the warning is lifted.
Hot race track
The only people who are allowed to enter or cross a “hot” racetrack are Racetrack officials. Anyone who is not a Racetrack official who enters a “hot” racetrack will be subject to a $500 minimum fine for their first offense, and each additional offense will result in additional fines ($1,000 for second offense, $1,500 for third offense). Additional penalties may also be issued. Racetrack officials have the final word.
If involved in a wreck, drivers must remain in their cars until a Racetrack official or safety official instructs them to exit the vehicle … unless there is an immediate threat to the driver’s safety that requires them to exit the vehicle. If a driver is not physically injured, they should drop their window net to let safety officials know they are okay.
Physical altercations and disturbances
New River All American Speedway has a no-tolerance policy to fighting in the pits. Anyone who is involved in a physical altercation in the pits will receive a $500 fine for their first offense, and may be subject to additional penalties.
Alcohol and controlled substances
New River All American Speedway has a zero tolerance policy for alcohol and controlled substances in the pits. Any driver, crew member, Racetrack official or etc. who is caught consuming alcoholic beverages or participating in the use of controlled substances will be escorted from the track immediately and may be subject to further penalties. If ejected, no refunds will be given.
- If not specified in Rules, all parts must remain O.E.M for year, make and model.
- It is at the discretion of the track to partially inspect or perform a total inspection of motor and/or chassis components after consecutive wins.
- A frontal head and neck restraint device/system (R3/HANS/Hutchens) and fire retardant gloves and fire retardant driving suit are mandatory and is to be used during track rentals, practice, qualifying and main events.
- Anyone detected spilling or putting oil on the property will be suspended indefinitely. A WASTE OIL container is provided at the tech building.
- No anti-freeze/coolant is permitted. If and driver leaks or drops anti-freeze on the track surface, they will receive a $100 fine.
- All lead weight must be properly secured to the car. Loss of lead weight may constitute a disqualification and potential suspension from racing. All lead weights must be painted white and have the car number and division written or a decal on the weight. Any lead dropped on the track will cost the offending driver $5 per pound to retrieve.
- All drivers must run transponders. Track uses Westhold system. Drivers can rent transponders for $25 or $10 scoring fee to use your own transponder. – Transponders must be purchased prior to practice.
» Drivers running in multiple divisions must run separate transponders on each car, - Any minors (anyone under the age of 13) in the pits must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- No roller skates/blades, skateboards, hoverboards, bicycles, four-wheelers, golf carts, or etc. may be used in the pits unless authorized by Anthony or Tonya Goodyear.
- Firearms are not permitted on the premises during any New River All-American Speedway event.
- Anyone who enters the pits must wear closed-toe shoes. No open toe shoes (sandals, flip-flops, etc.) allowed.
- At all events conducted at New River All American Speedway, the DRIVER assumes the responsibility for all actions of any of his pit crew. The driver shall be the sole spokesperson. (Any person in your pit area is considered your crew)
- DISORDERLY CONDUCT in the pits may result in suspension from the race track. The decision of the New River All-American Speedway Officials is final. The Raceway may require a periodic test of any licensed member for alcohol or drug consumption.
- THERE WILL BE NO ROUGH DRIVING. Any driver intentionally spinning another car out may be BLACK FLAGGED. Close, competitive, side-by-side, racing does not apply! ANY DRIVER WHO CONTINUALLY CAUSES TROUBLE WILL BE SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY. This decision will be made by Track Officials.
- Any driver who hits another car under caution may be subject to a $50 fine or other penalties. This decision is up to the discretion of Racetrack officials.
- If you will not abide by speedway rules, do not enter the pit area.
- Any driver, car owner, or crew member entering the pit area carrying anything that can be used as a weapon will be ejected from the Speedway immediately.
- All crew members must stay in their own pit area during race. Penalty for entering and/or causing a disturbance in another pit for driver and crew may result in fine and suspension.
- All competitors and team members must stay off the racetrack and in their own pit when track is hot.
- If involved in an accident, drivers must remain in their car until safety workers can attend to them – unless it is a safety hazard to do so. Failure to remain inside the cockpit may result in fines or suspensions.
- No one may enter the pit area until he/she has personally signed all releases, registrations and entry forms.
- Once the field has completed a scored lap, a driver may NOT change cars.
- Any car, which causes a caution flag two (2) times in any race (heat or feature), will be warned with a black flag. The driver will be disqualified from the race after causing three (3) cautions. A two (2) caution disqualification rule may be invoked for special events, at Race Director’s discretion.
- Infield parking is for team haulers and officials only.
- Anyone who is ejected from speedway premises by speedway officials will not receive refunds.
- Protest must be filed with a track official within 15 minutes from the checkered flag being waved. Driver or car owner is to notify pit official at scale tech area (in writing) prior to time period expiring. Once the time period has expired, all requests will be denied.
- Only the driver or car owner may lodge a protest. A protest may only be lodged against a car that finished immediately in front of the protesting car. The driver or car owner lodging the protest will be inspected FIRST for parts being protested.
- Only two (2) crew members of the car being protested will be allowed in the protest area. No one from another competitor’s car may inspect, view scale reading, or measure any competitor’s car.
- Protest fees are set by the division rule book.
- The track will retain 25% of the protest money to pay tech personnel. Should the car being protested be found to be legal, the driver of that car will receive 75% of the protest fees. Should the car being protested be found to be illegal, the driver or car owner making the protest will receive 75% of the protest fees.
- Refusal to accept a protest, or to submit to an inspection, will result in disqualification.
- No points or money will be awarded to any driver disqualified in postrace tech.
- New River All-American Speedway will make three attempts at an Overtime (Green/White/Checkered) finish over the course of a 15-minute period once the race has concluded regulation. If the race is not completed within 15 minutes of going into overtime, the race is over. Once the leader takes the white flag, the next flag ends the race.
- The flagman will start the race. The leader will restart the race in the designated restart zone. If the leader does not go in the restart zone, per race director’s discretion, the race will resume. If the second-place car jumps the restart, the restart will be called off and the driver will be given one warning. A second offense will result in the offending driver being sent to the rear of the field.
- If race control believes the leader is slowing down or braking in the restart zone, the leader will receive a warning. The second time, that driver will be sent to the rear.
- When the caution comes out, the field is frozen and timing and scoring will revert to the last completed lap.
- New River All-American Speedway will run double file restarts “Shootout Style” for the majority of races and divisions. When the field comes to one to go, the field will line up double file, with the leader getting lane choice. Drivers running in odd-number positions will restart on the inside line, with drivers in even number positions on the outside line.
- New River All-American Speedway will utilize “cone” style restarts for select races, with an orange arrow painted on the track surface. When the field is given, the one-to-go signal, drivers can choose to restart on either the inside or outside line. In the event of a larger field, the race director may decide to have the field choose at two to go.
- Champ Karts will use double file restarts, with odd number positions on the inside line and even number positions on the outside. Bandoleros will utilize single file restarts. Inverts will never be used for Bandoleros.
- In the event of an excessive number of cautions, race control may either begin counting caution laps after three (3) or more cautions, order single file restarts, announce that the next caution flag will end the race, or may choose to end the feature on the spot. This is entirely up to the race director.
- After three attempts to start/restart a race, at the race director’s discretion, the field may be ordered to restart single file.
- Time limits may be implemented for individual feature races at the track’s discretion.
- Race procedures are subject to change at the discretion of the race director. If they do, those changes will be covered in the driver’s meeting.
- DOUBLE FEATURES (TWIN RACES): A driver must run more than 50 percent of the first feature to be eligible to compete in the second feature.
- When a caution flag is displayed, the field is frozen and will be scored by the last completed lap. Any driver deemed to be involved in the caution will be sent to the rear and is ineligible for the cone, meaning those drivers must restart at the end of the longest line (ahead of lapped traffic).
- Competitors involved in an incident include: A competitor who has broken forward momentum and a competitor who may be deemed at fault – regardless of intent. If race control determines a competitor broke forward momentum to avoid an ongoing incident and does not receive damage, race control may allow them to reassume their position.
- If a competitor feels they are at fault for an incident, they can ‘tap’ on their roof to let race control know they are assuming responsibility. The decision to tap would put the driver responsible to the rear of the field, and other competitors involved may be allowed to reassume their previous position if they do not pit under the caution flag.
- Any driver who pits under caution will go to the rear of the field UNLESS race control calls for a controlled or competition caution.