Media Credentials and Policy

New River All-American Speedway welcomes media coverage from a variety of different platforms for events throughout the year.

Wehave an open door policy for traditional local media outlets (including but not limited to: WCTI-TV, WITN-TV, WNCT-TV, Spectrum News, and the Jacksonville Daily News.  We request that traditional media call or text the speedway’s media and marketing manager, Andy Marquis, at 910.467.6395 or email in advance of the race.

All other media outlets, photographers, and social media channels wanting to cover events at New River All-American Speedway are asked to fill out a media credential request form no later than the morning of the race to request access.  We reserve the right to deny media credential requests, however we aim to be friendly and open to all forms of media, traditional and new age.

New River All-American Speedway will send out pre-race advances and post-race recaps after our events unless a situation inhibits our ability to do so.  Additionally, reporters will be supplied with results at our events.

Press box access is limited and it will be solely up to the track’s media and marketing manager who will receive access.  If a reporter is unable to utilize the press box for a race, we will work to accommodate reporters and photographers in any way we possibly can.

Credentialed media representatives are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:

Media Credential Guidelines:

  • Members of the media are expected to always act professionally when at the speedway.
  • Photo vests are not required but strongly recommended. If a photographer does not have a photo vest on, safety officials may not be able to identify them and may restrict them from certain areas. The best way to guarantee access is to have a vest on.
  • All reporters, photographers, and videographers are encouraged to display a press pass and/or wear attire with their outlet’s name on display.
  • Credentialed photographers must be briefed by New River All American Speedway media director Andy Marquis regarding safety requirements and guidelines prior to shooting in the infield or in restricted areas.
  • New River All-American Speedway requests reporters who cover races to send a link to their coverage of the races to
  • Pre-race coverage and social media updates throughout the events are encouraged.
  • New River All-American Speedway requests prior notification for any reporters who intend to post live updates on Facebook, Twitter, other social media outlets, or on live blogs.
  • New River All-American Speedway does not grant “Exclusive” rights to race coverage to any media outlet (with the exception of live broadcasts).
  • Live streaming video is prohibited without the authorized written consent of New River All American Speedway and BigSportsTV.
  • New River All American Speedway limits drone photography/videography access to just one drone operator per event. If you fly a drone over the speedway without authorized written consent by speedway management, the unauthorized drone operator will be removed from the property. You must possess proper license/registration to fly drone.
  • If your content is used for personal profit (selling images/videos taken at NRAAS to drivers, teams, family, fans, friends, etc.), your credential will not be approved (unless discussed with NRAAS media/management via phone or email).